Monday, April 5, 2010

More Reasons to Breastfeed

Not only is it free and natural but it can save billions of dollars and hundreds of lives according to this article.

I have heard lots of women say how hard it is and what trouble they have but I think with a little education, understanding and practice all women can breastfeed (okay, not all because there are medical complications but most).


Monday, January 11, 2010

How can I get the otherside on the same page?

I am continuing to read books and do research on birth and all the things that go along with it such as babies, raising children, feeding them, diapering them, on and on we can go. There are so many different subjects that come up when you start with pregnancy. I am still seeking as much information as I can so that I feel better about the choices I make. The one road block that I keep hitting though is a discussion with my husband. I just don't know how to answer all of his questions. What would you suggest I do to help my husband be on the same page as I am with knowledge so that we can make educated decisions together? I was thinking about making an appointment with my Midwife so that he can meet her and ask questions or maybe finding a group that meets and he can ask others what their experiences were like. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this subject.